Tab titles in PDFs in WordPress

On many of the corporate sites that I built and maintain, I load our newsletters as pdfs in WordPress’ media library. When I opened those as their own tab, the tab opens with a different name in it. I thought this was a setting in WordPress, but it is not. It’s the properties panel in Acrobat.

You can find the properties panel in the file menu or access it with CTRL D or CMD D.

Now that I found the problem, I am actually not going to change the existing pdfs as this would involve reloading them and breaking the existing links or setting up redirects. I’m about to redo this site, so I can address the issue on rebuild.

I’m documenting it here in the event someone else has this issue.

The properties panel in Acrobat will contain information that will populate the tab of your WordPress site. Take note!

#WCEU 2020

This strange and winding period of time does have a few upsides including the chance to attend events, classes, conferences, and discussions I’d never be able to afford before. I jumped at the chance to attend WordCamp Europe #WCEU during the first week of June.

WordPress sponsors three main events – WordCamp Asia, which was canceled this year, WordCamp Europe, and WordCamp US, which also moved online and will be held in late October.

I attended WordCamp US in 2019 after attending some fabulous local WordCamps including WC Lancaster, WC Leigh Valley, and WC PHL.

T-Shirt Swag from WordCamp US 2019. Dog hair courtesy of Baby Cow.

You might think an online event would have few sponsor interactions and no swag, but you’d be wrong. You could download the logos and make your own t-shirt. Sponsors were available in meeting rooms and gave away free cool swag like pdf books!

They had a time converter so you could easily tell what time it started and ended in your time zone. In the end, they had attendees from 120 countries.

Make your own swag for #WCEU 2020. I made this at

I love a good back logo. It was a nice touch by the graphics team.

My favorite speaker was Ahmed Khalifa, a SEO consultant who have a lovely and information packed talk about captions in videos. Ahmed spoke as a hearing impaired person but really brought home the importance of good captions, not craptions!, for all users.

I evaluated the big three platforms when I chose WordPress, and the community was made it the choice for me. I feel so blessed to have met the people in my local meetup and to be part of this big, wonderful, and accepting family.

Attendees were invited to upload a photo to Twitter with the #WCEUFamilyPhoto hash tag. I’m on the bottom row at the far right. #blessed